Dear Friends,
The sudden appearance of Coronavirus on the horizon with the birth of the New Year 2020, threw life out of gear. The entire world was caught unawares and it was ill‐prepared to face the challenge. Much of human movement came to a standstill and the economic, commercial, educational, social and religious activities came to a grinding halt with the lockdown enforced by the governments all over the world. In recent days we hear that some countries are encountering a second wave of the virus. The whole human life is affected at different levels and we are no exception to it. Amidst the difficulties we encounter in our communities, we continue to pray for you and all your family members and hope that you all are doing well and keeping safe. We thank you for all your support, both spiritual and material, in reaching out to the missionaries and also the mission territories. We are aware of the sacrifices you make in order to contribute towards the evangelisation of peoples and meeting the needs of the poor and the marginalized.
In the recent times we are experiencing a decline of vocations in the western world, while God continues to be gracious to us as we get considerable number of vocations in Asia and Africa. We always tried to give good formation to the young girls entering our Congregation but as the number is growing, we are beginning to experience financial constraints. Their initial formation period lasts for about nine to ten years before they make their Perpetual Profession of which about four years, we bring them to Rome for studies and also for an experience in our Generalate community where our Mother Foundress lived. We would be greatly indebted to you if you could make some contribution in support of the formation of our postulants, novices and the junior sisters. Being a Missionary Congregation, we totally rely on God’s providence and depend on the generosity of our benefactors and collaborators to carry forward the mission of Christ. Your financial support will definitely help a young person on her way to being perpetually consecrated to Jesus. We acknowledge with great appreciation all your support in the past years and look forward to your positive response. May God bless you and all your dear ones!